STRATHMORE LADDER, Aluminum orchard ladders, harvesting bags and pails: www.strathmoreladder.com .
MIKE BROWN STEAM ENGINES AND ALTERNATIVE ENERGY PRODUCTS, Steam engines: www.mikebrownsolutions.com .
RINCON-VITOVA INSECTARIES, Biological pest control: www.rinconvitova.com .
BOUNTIFUL GARDENS, Vegetable and grain seed, organic farming education (ask for the catalog): www.bountifulgardens.org .
R.H. SHUMWAY'S, Vegetable seed (ask for the catalog): www.rhshumway.com .
TERRITORIAL SEED COMPANY, Vegetable seed: www.territorialseed.com .
RAINTREE NURSERY, Fruit trees and berries for the North-West (ask for the catalog): www.raintreenursery.com .
FOUR WINDS GROWERS, Dwarf citrus for the West Coast: www.fourwindsgrowers.com .
KINETIC SCULPTURE RACING: www.kinetickkindom.com .
PLAN IT GREEN CONFERENCE, Humboldt County, CA: www.humboldtplanitgreen.com .
KMUD RADIO, Redwood Community Radio, Humboldt County, CA: www.kmud.org .
KZYX RADIO, Community Non-Commercial Radio Station of Mendocino County, CA: www.kzyx.org .
KPFA RADIO, Listener Sponsored Community Radio, Berkeley, CA: www.kpfa.org .